Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?
Discover WHY you don't feel fantastic, so you CAN feel fantastic.
Welcome! You have likely come here because you are struggling with your health and not getting answers from your conventional practitioner. Conventional healthcare has its place and can be life saving. However, it doesn’t help people get truly well by helping them get to the root causes of why their body is struggling.
My name is Heather and I am a Doctor of Traditional Naturopathy with a focus on integrative or root cause healthcare. Both of these modalities seek to identify and address the root causes of disease and views the body as one integrated system, not a collection of independent organs divided up by medical specialties. The focus is on the whole system, not just the symptoms. When we can uncover WHY the body is having symptoms we can begin to understand what the body needs in order to heal.
My practice focuses on helping people like just like you; people suffering from fibromyalgia, autoimmune dynamics, thyroid dysfunction, diabetes, migraines, IBS, sleep issues, chronic fatigue, hormone dysfunction and much more. You may not have a diagnosis and that’s fine too. A diagnosis is truly not needed in order for me to help you. I find a name is often a distraction to someone being able to focus on what it is they need to do in order to heal. It is not my role to diagnose or treat because that is not the premise by which integrative healthcare is based on. Disease states happen because dysfunction in the body was not addressed and having a name for something never got anyone well.
My role is that of an educator and partner in your health journey. For this reason I like to use the word client, because it reflects more of the partnership centered approach. My focus is on uncovering the dynamics, root causes and interconnectedness in your unique body to help you live a life of true wellness and vitality. We do this all through the integative healthcare lens, naturopathic principles, diet and lifestyle changes and the self empowerment to be your own best advocate of your health. My practice also encourages the innate intuition of the client, as only the client has lived in their body and often has a sense for what is at play.
The body is designed to feel fantastic. If you do not feel this way, it is a sure sign from the body that something is going on. It is my joy and passion to help my clients discover how amazing their body truly is and to guide them through their wellness journey.
Read the About Me section for more information about my own health journey. What I have found is that many of my clients have lost hope of ever feeling fantastic again and that simply does not have to be your truth. Healing is possible with the right tools and the right guidance. Optimal health is not complicated. It requires maximizing what the body needs most, minimizing what is harmful to the body and prioritizing an environment for health.
I look forward to helping you.